Understanding ’COVID’
1. COVID-19 has been developed in laboratory.
2. It has been developed with increased function, making it possible to spread from human to human.
3. The virus of COVID-19 is a biological weapon.
4. The so called ‘vaccine’ against COVID-19…
4.1. does not prevent infection by the virus;
4.2. does not prevent infection of others with the virus;
4.3. does not vaccinate;
4.4. is not a vaccine;
4.5. does not serve to stop the COVID-19 Pandemic.
5. The mass vaccination has a secret agenda.
5.1. The injection preparations are called ‘vaccines’, ‘vaccinations’ with the aim of deception in order to achieve mass acceptance.
5.2. The direct aim is not the protection against the pandemic, but mass vaccination.
5.3. The ‘vaccine’ has not been developed against the pandemic, but …
5.3.1. the virus has been developed to create the pandemic;
5.3.2. the campaign of the pandemic and vaccination have been ‘developed’
to generate a general fear;
to deceive the masses;
to introduce an ‘emergency’ by law;
to be able to use secret products as biological weapons;
to be able to sell secret products that are being patented and producing extra profit.
6. The vaccination in mass and multiple times does not slow the pandemic but rather enhances it.
6.1. The injection products developed against COVID-19 based on mRNA and vector type are gene therapy preparations that contain genetic parts.
6.2. The artificially developed genetic part holds codified information (software type of biological message).
6.3. By the effect of this message on our own genes command our immune system, i.e. the natural protecting system of our body, to produce so called antibolfs.
6.4. The biological ‘message’ of the traditional vaccines makes our body to defends itself against the virus as a whole. The naturally formed viruses are characteristically not rapidly mutating, so our bodies, when forced to protect against them may obtain immunity for the whole life.
6.5. It is not weakened or killed viruses getting into the body through gene therapeutic materials (as by false vaccines), but rather only one of their synthetic produced part, the so called ‘spike protein’. More precisely: the genetic code serving for its production (mRNA).
The virus connects to the attacked cell by its spike protein, the immune system may identify and eliminate the attackers by the spike protein.
The code for producing the spike protein (mRNA) is packed synthetically (artificially) to be able to bypass our natural immune system and so it can be introduced into our cells’ chemical factory.
The synthetic protein produced by the ‘sneakily’ introduced code and leaking out of cells into the inter-cellular space do not force the immune system into a full scale protection, it only lets the immune system produce antibodies which correspond to the part of the spike protein having been coded.
6.6. The number of antibody particles formed by the effect of the spike protein decreases rapidly within a couple of months. As consequence of this:
the synthetic ‘vaccines’ are capable of giving protection only for a limited time, even against infection by the original corona virus (and only partially)
principally only a fresh start of antibody production by a repeated (booster) vaccination might add further protection (invariably only a partial one) against the old virus, which makes necessary to repeat jabs every couple of months, repeating principally up to the end of time.
6.7. The artificially developed corona virus is highly labile, variable and easily ‘mutating’ (in contrast to natural viruses).
6.8. The gene therapeutic ‘vaccines’ are even less protection against the new virus mutations.
The antibody protection at the beginning of the en masse vaccination forced the original (artificially produced) virus to change (“evolve”) and it became more resistant against the antibody produced by original “vaccines”.
The broader the vaccination the lower is the efficacy of the original ‘vaccines’.
The repeated (booster) vaccination weakens (fractures) our natural immune system (see more under 7.)
6.9 The higher the number of fully vaccinated people the less the community’s defence capability, both against the original virus and its mutations.
As a joint consequence of the fully (and further, e.g. booster) vaccination the number of the infection and people being infected dramatically increases in the vaccinated population, resulting in new waves of the pandemic.
Those who have recovered from viral infection in a natural way (without an intervention by vaccination) can no longer infect other people with the virus.
6.10. The synthetic ‘vaccination’ does not protect against the infection, does not prevent the spreading of infection to others; does not slow the epidemic, rather it amplifies it.
6.11. Those having been ‘vaccinated’ by the synthetic gene therapeutic agents form the majority of distributors of the coronavirus.
6.12. The non ‘vaccinated’ ones are the most important inhibitors of the coronasvirus epidemic – thanks to their natural non fractured immunity.
6.13. The forcing of the fully and further vaccination by the authorities and the media is a crime against humanity.
6.14. The baseless, adverse and unwholesome discrimination against non vaccinated people bears the case of ‘misuse of power’ and ‘crime committed against a given group of people in conspiration’.
7. The fake ‘vaccines’ used against the coronavirus is poison, it fracture our natural immun system (our immunity).
7.1. Viral gene is injected into our cells by the gene therapy ‘vaccine’ prepared artificially against the corona virus.
7.2. This synthetic gene (by the ‘message’, which has artificially coded information in it) makes (forces) our bodies produce spike proteins.
7.3. The spike proteins do not remain at the area of the injection, but have toxic effects on the whole of the body in such way, that they…
get into the blood circulation system,
build into our crucial organs,
form blood clots,
hinder the oxygen supply to our cells,
stop and hinder the natural protection capability of our immune system,
modify our life-sustaining genetic stock,
may result in permanent, unrecoverable health issues – even death.
8. The fractured immune systems en mass reduces the resistance of the community against the mutations of the virus.
8.1. The ‘vaccinated’ people are infected much easier.
8.2. The inter-infection of the ‘vaccinated’ people through the vaccination campaigns and mandatory vaccinations accelerates the epidemic.
8.3. The ‘vaccinated’ people being infected en mass also infect unvaccinated people.
8.4. The number of those suffering from permanent, unrecoverable health issues – even including infertility, fractionating of DNA or death – increases en mass.
8.5. The straining of the massive and multiple vaccination with false (gene therapeutic) substances inherits the case of ‘genocide in conspiration’.
9. The ‘vaccination’ of kids may have no health benefit for anybody and might only cause health problems.
9.1. The natural immune system of unvaccinated children protects them from the serious consequence of the infection.
9.2. Unvaccinated children without chronic diseases who have been infected by the coronavirus did not need hospitalisation and have not died because of the infection.
9.3. The health risk of the ‘vaccination’ of children poses a much higher risk than that of them being infected.
The false ‘vaccination’ (gene therapy, with spike protein) causes blood clotting and fractures their natural immune system.
Their immune system having been fractured will barely resist the old and new mutations of the viruses after disappearance of the antibodies.
The ‘vaccinated’ children – like ‘vaccinated’ adults – get sick from the virus much easier and also infect other people easier than the ‘unvaccinated’ people.
The ‘vaccination’ in principle reduces the pain caused by the infection in children, however if they would not have been vaccinated, they would not get sick from the virus and there would no pain to be reduced.
The ‘vaccination’ of kids do not slow the epidemic, rather it accelerates it.
10. The mass and multiple ‘vaccination’ – particularly that of children – is very much pointless from the panidemic viewpoint and the state of emergency. It is most definitely harmful intervention from the authority of the state, warranting the assumption of ulterior motives and secret goals.
10.1. The pointless and useless campaigns, vaccinations and the declaration of a state of emergency results in vast social damage and accepting these has no reasonable explanation:
massive mistreatment of ‘covid’ (or declared to be ‘covid’) patients by baseless medical policy;
the massive delay of ‘non covid’ medical treatments;
putting individuals, families and smal family businesses in heavy financial losses sand uncertain livelihood;
suspending of freedoms, restriction of personal and social contacts, establishing fault lines between ‘vaccinated’ and ‘non vaccinated’ people, dramatic decline in social conversations, deterioration of moral and well-being, decline of the levels of education and cultural life;
growth of the vulnerability and alienation between people, the multiplying of psychiatric diseases and suicides;
heavy indebtedness of state and citizens;
increase in social discontent end resistance.
10.2. Carrying out mass vaccination with such experimental substances which accelerate the pandemic in such short time instead of stopping it, the medium- or long range medical effects being priorly unknown or unpredictable, is very much irrational, irresponsible and harmful government conduct. This makes it necessary to suspect and uncover hidden intentions and hidden agendas.
11. The pandemic of corona virus is an action for the world domination using the code name COVID-19.
11.1. Before the pandemic, there has been numeral visual and written documents, memoirs, simulation practices dealing with a potential pandemic in the future, thus mass mandatory vaccination arose along with the need of a steep decline in the world’s population.
11.2. Similarly, visual and written documents, as well as those submitted as patent applications prove the intentions and efforts for ruling the world have existed for years, or even decades, then found a suitable occasion in this pandemic and the mass vaccination carried out on its pretence to …
increase general angst and create worldwide hysteria;
introduce state of emergency, restricting or suspending democratic freedom rights;
declare permanent campaign of vaccination;
establish the possibilities of excessive increase of their economic and political power, and influence, as well as the rapid weakening, bleeding dry of their competitors;
to establish the technical possibility for a digital surveillance, central control, influence and regulation of the population;
establish the technical conditions to build up a New World Order;
create the strictly materialistic, utilitarian, atheistic era of their own world power.
12. This whole ‘pandemic’ is the product of a worldwide crisis of our values.
12.1. The huge civilizational (technical, technological) achievements of the humanity helped to spearhead a materialistic world view. According to it …
he supernatural and natural can be replaced by the artificial;
new sciences replace the work of Our Creator and the nature;
with the aid of the science, a human as a biological being is understandable and intentionally repairable in its total whole;
human intelligence can be replaced by artificial intelligence;
not only the physical abilities of a human can be replaced, or even superseded, but a human’s intellectual and spiritual abilities as well (see ‘anthropoid’ robots);
a New World Order can be created by artificially: with new elements and laws; with new types of humans and human relations; with new types of communities and social bounds; with new values, norms of behavioural code of contacts.
12.2. The achievements of the new civilization force all those intellectual, economical and political agents whom are interested in weakening,fracturing the natural bound (roots, connections) and natural self identification of individuals, into cooperation.
12.3. The ‘ME-centered’ (individual, neo-) liberalism urges usage of all rights which demolish the bonds of traditional (family, nation, religion) communities, norms self identification and does not support any thing that would strengthen them.
12.4. The old-new (neo-) communism supports all those ideas of equality and restriction of rights that go parallel with the increase of existential vulnerability, dependency on wealth and ruling of citizens, as well as with isolation of the individuals and humans becoming mob.
12.5. IIt is the interest of all materialist political, economical and medial powers, as well as materialist and utilitarian science and think tanks (information power) that – behind the well-tried mass production developed for the conditions of human existence – trying for a mass ‘production’ of humankind itself. In doing so they are attempting to obtain similar privileges (outstanding income, extraordinary influence, power) which formerly industry, agriculture, culture and the media had done.
12.6. Individuals in consuming societies who are sluggish physically, intellectually and spiritually are good material for the efforts of the privileged to form a mob. They are easily being strung along and intimidated, stimulated or forced for alinement and obedience.
12.7. With the weakening, fracturing of the natural and supernatural bonds, those natural and heartfelt orientation points (compasses) such as family, nation, moral, conscience are replaced by external, artificial (non natural, false) alinements which are required or urged by the elite.
12.8. The following of natural or heartfelt orientation points make individuals become impervious to act pointlessly or immorally, as these are incompatible with common sense or their consciousness.
12.9. Following external (urged or required from outside) false orientation points leads inevitable to the total elimination of the traditional (community) values and traditional (democratic) operational order, i.e.: to autocracy. This was so in time of the Fascism, Nazism and Communism. The upset of values and the rise of immorality and irresponsibility leads to such intellectual and emotional ‘madness’ (confusion) that then produces autocracy by itself.
12.10. If we accept without bitterly protest, that …
this man-made pandemic is sold as natural one;
a gene therapy bio weapon is sold as vaccination;
this product is sold as secure and effective, while it has proven many times to be a failure;
anyone can be declared to be infectious by unrealistic tests;
those declared to be infected are made seriously ill or killed by unjustifiable policy;
people who die in other way would be declared as having died due to COVID;
the number of those declared to have been infected and died, got ill or killed is used to support the declaration of state of emergency, introducing autocratic measures;
referring to those scientists who are bribed and paid by the pharmaceutical industry;
accepting the pharmaceutical industry’s experimental products to be secure, while it has been proven that they are used for generating profit and increasing the number of diseases and sick people;
that means, if we accept all these without a bitter word, then we are digging our own grave: an autocracy being more effective than all previous ones, which deploy all amazing achievements of the civilization to regulate, ‘mass produce’ the human individuals in a manner of its own accord.
György Domokos VARGA
Hungarian source: Varga Domokos György: Kovidtisztázó
Szilaj Csikó translation (F. C.)